Easy Percentage Calculator – Simple Online Tool

Written By Alex Cherry

Percentage Calculator


Percentage Calculator in Common Phrases

Use one of the following forms to calculate the percentage:

What is % of ?


is what % of ?


is % of what?


Percentage Difference Calculator

Percentage difference:

Percentage Change Calculator

Percentage chance:

Our percentage calculator is perfect for performing simple calculations, when you just really need to know – what is X of Y? Our tool is user-friendly and easy to master in no-time. You just input into the two fields and press calculate. The answer will be automatically generated in the result field.

You can try entering various combinations in different fields to understand better how our tool works. 

How to get a value from a percentage

To calculate a value based on a given percentage, we can use this formula.

X= P% of Y

For example:

To calculate 20% of 150, we can use this formula

  1. In this case  P = 20 and Y = 150
  2. Therefore plugging this into the formula, we have X = 20% * 150
  3. If you convert 20% in decimals you get 20/100, which is 0.2
  4. So the value of X = 0.2 *150 = 30
  5. Therefore the value X = 30
  6. Therefore 20% of 150 is 30

Using the Percentage Calculator

We need to input ’20’ in the first field and ‘150’ in the second field. The calculator will then return the value 60, which is the same value we got from our calculations.

Converting Value to a Percentage

There are a few formulas for calculating the percentage of a number, the easiest is to P = X / Y *100

For Example

To find out ‘80 is what percentage of 400?’

  1. Using the formula P = X / Y *100, we have X = 80 and Y = 400
  2. 80/400 = 0.4
  3. 0.2  is the decimal form. To convert it to a percentage, we have to multiply by 100
  4. So 0.2 * 100 = 20%
  5. Therefore 80 is 20% of 400

Using the Percentage Calculator

We need to input ’80’ in the first field and ‘400’ in the second field. The calculator will return a value 80%, which is the same as we got from our calculation.

Percentage Difference

Sometimes you need to know the increase or decrease of a quantity in terms of percentage. This can be calculated by taking the difference between the two values and expressing it relative to the initial value. In Mathematics, the difference has to be taken as an absolute value. If it is a percentage increase, you use a + sign. If it is a percentage decrease, you use a – sign.

The formula here is (V2-V1)/V1 * 100

For example

If the price of a candy bar has increased from $150 to $200, and you want to work out the percentage change. You can use the formula.

  1. Using the formula above, V2 = 200 and V1 = 150
  2. Substituting the values into the formula, we ahve P = (200 -150)/150 *100
  3. Thererfore P = (1/3)* 100 = 33.33%
  4. Therefore the price of the product has increased by 33.33% from 150 to 200

Using the Percentage Calculator

To calculate the Percentage Increase, we need to input 200 in the first field and 240 in the second field. This will give the output as 20% indicating that there has been an increase of 20% from 200 to 240.

What is a percentage?

A percentage is a way to express a number as a fraction of 100. It is often denoted using the symbol “%”. For example, 25% means 25/100, or one quarter. To convert a percentage to a decimal, you can divide it by 100. For example, 25% can be written as 0.25 in decimal form. You can also convert a decimal to a percentage by multiplying it by 100. For example, 0.25 can be written as 25%. Percentages are often used to express how one quantity relates to another, such as a rate or change.

It is one of the ways to represent a relationship between two numbers. Percentages are often denoted by the symbol % written after the number. They can also be denoted by writing “percent” or “pct” after the number. For example, 0.5 is the same as 50% or ½.

Percentages are calculated by multiplying the value of a ratio by 100. For example, if 25 of 50 cookies are chocolate chip. Then 25/50 * 100, or 50% of cookies are chocolate chip.

Percentage Formula

The percentage formula, which can be written in various ways, is actually an algebraic equation that involves three values.

P × X = Y

The calculator will take a percentage (P), a first value (X), and a result (Y) and use them to calculate the solution. It will automatically convert P into a decimal to perform the calculation. If you are trying to find the percentage (P), the calculator will return the actual percentage value rather than its decimal representation.

Percentage difference formula

The formula for calculating the percentage difference between two numbers:

((X – Y) / Y) * 100

For example, 

To find the percentage difference between 50 and 100:

(((50-100)/100)*100 = -50%

This formula will always give you a negative result if number 1 is smaller than number 2. 

Percentage Change formula

Percentage change formula calculates the change in the value of something e.g. two different speeds of a car, or the change in the price of a stock.

The formula is:

((X-Y)) / Y) * 100

For example

If you have an old value of 100, and a new value of 150, then the percentage change =

((150-100)/100)*100 = 50

Therefore the percentage change is 50%.  In other words, the new value is 50% greater than the old value.

If the new value is smaller than the old value, the percentage change will be negative. For example, if the old value was 150 and the new value is 100. Then the percentage change would be 

((100-150)/150)*100 = -33.33%

Therefore the new value is 33.33% or ⅓ less than the old value.

Uses of Percentage Calculator

There might be many times you might need a percentage calculator in your life. Here are some examples:

  1. Understanding the change in the price of a stock or another investment over a certain period of time. For example, if a stock increases in price from $10 to $15, the percentage change would be 50%.
  2. Noting the change in the value of a currency compared to another currency. For example, if the value of the US dollar decreases compared to the value of the euro, there has been a percentage change in the exchange rate.
  3. Seeing the cost of living change from one year to the next. For example, if the cost of living increases by 3% in a year, the prices for goods and services have increased by 3% on average.
  4. Looking at the change in the size of a population over time. For example, if the population of a city increases by 10% in a year, this means that there are 10% more people living in the city than in the previous year.
  5. Understanding The change in the efficiency of a machine or process over time. For example, if a factory increases its production by 20% by implementing new technology, this means that the factory is able to produce 20% more goods than it could before.